Category: Criminal Law

What Should I Do If I’m Arrested For A DWI/DUI In Texas?

Beware the source of “legal advice.” As well-intentioned as they might be; the people in your social circle often have the least accurate information about the evidence against you and your right to a qualified defense attorney. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to separate fact from fiction ahead of time. That way, you know exactly what to do

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​Texas Penalties for First-Time DUI

An individual who is charged with DWI/DUI (driving under the influence) in the state of Texas faces significant penalties. These penalties are serious for first-time offenders as well as those who have had a previous DWI/DUI. The details of the alleged transgression play a part in determining the specific penalty. Penalties range from fines to time spent in jail and beyond. What Is Classified

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​What’s The Difference Between Parole & Probation?

If you find yourself confused about the differences between parole and probation, you are not alone. These two legal terms confuse many people. In fact, they do have some similarities. Probation is an alternative to incarceration and parole is a supervised release from prison. Yet there are some important distinctions between the two. Let’s take a close look at what these two legal terms

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​Why Would Someone Be Denied Bail?

Bail is a trade of money or property with a court for the release of a suspect from jail in exchange for the suspect returning for trial. If the suspect fails to show at the scheduled court date, the bail is forfeited. In some instances, if the suspect upholds his commit to attend all scheduled court dates, the bail money may be returned. The

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​Can A Lawyer Get My Family Member Out Of Prison?

This is one scenario where the circumstances surrounding your loved ones case carries the most decisive weight. If you are talking about a bail situation, a lawyer may be your best bet at getting your family member out of prison. A lawyer can negotiate on their behalf and get the bail lowered to a more reasonable level, but the amount owed does fit the

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What Happens To My Car If I Am Arrested For A DWI/DUI?

In the confusion following a DWI arrest, clients can forget to ask a very practical question: what happens to my car? As they say, the devil is in the details, and this detail can cost you. It’s important to know what your options are and how to activate those options so you can maintain your composure and recoup any financial losses. With that in

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​What Legal Repercussions Could Be Brought Against The Officer Involved In The Shooting Of Michael Brown?

The fatal shooting of Michael Brown is still in the investigatory stage. Should evidence of suspected criminal acts be found, Officer Darren Wilson will be indicted on criminal charges, but that’s not the only legal iron in the fire. Depending on the findings, he also faces charges from a state and civil level. The Reasonable Standard There are more questions than answers surrounding this

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What Should I Do If I Suspect An Employee Of Embezzlement?

Everyone’s job comes with a certain amount of privilege, but for employees in the finance world, as well as employees in accounting departments across the country, that privilege also comes with an expectation of trust. When handling company finances, it is a reasonable expectation that any and all company revenue and property stay within the confines of the business. A breach of that expected

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Do NFL Players Have A History Of Domestic Violence Allegations?

Given its prominence in the media, both past and present, a history of domestic violence in the NFL has been well-established. And recent events have stirred the pot once again. The question we need to ask is: What’s being done about the pattern we see? Recognition without an active response does nothing. In this case, the repeated decision to do nothing has effects that

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