Category: DWI

Should All Drugs Be Legalized?

There have been many changes over the years when it comes to drugs, especially marijuana. In the last 20 years, there were originally no states where the use of marijuana was legal. Now, there are 33 states that allow marijuana use in some form. It’s likely that it will become completely legal in the United States in the coming years. However, should harder substances

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​How Do Judges Determine Bail Amount?

Bail is the amount of money required to be released from jail until a required court appearance occurs. In some cases, bail may be several thousands—or even a million dollars. But for others, it can be only a few hundred dollars. So how do judges determine how much you need to pay? Below, we take a look at how bail amounts are determined. The

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​5 Ways To Avoid A DWI This Holiday Season

Good food and good companionship during the holidays are often accompanied by good alcohol. Alcohol is part of many celebrations, but it can become the thing that makes the holiday spirit come to a screeching halt if you’re pulled over for driving while intoxicated. Don’t let a DWI ruin your holiday fun. Remember a DWI has more negative aspects down the road than the

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​My Child’s Been Charged With Underage Drinking. What Should I Do?

Drinking underage is a misdemeanor. Chargeable actions include: Buying, possessing, or drinking alcoholic beverages when you are under the age of 21, even on private property. Buying alcohol for or supplying alcohol to minors. Using a fake I.D. to purchase alcohol. This is not to be confused with the “open container law,” which refers to the unlawful consumption of alcohol on public property. Even

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​5 Ways To Prevent Drinking & Driving At Your Summer Parties

Summer is here and it is time to party! Everyone enjoys a good party with food, drinks, games, music and opportunities to mingle. Although parties are a great chance to have fun, you don’t want your party guests to drink and drive. Help your friends and family avoid DWIs after your summer bash by following these tips: Pick A Designated Driver A designated driver

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​The Kerry Kennedy Drugged-Driving Case: How Did She Get Off?

On February 28, 2014, Kerry Kennedy was found not guilty of driving while impaired. The jury took just over an hour to reach their decision after a four-day trial. This incident was all across the news circuit when it occurred; it was if something like this had never occurred before. However, Kerry Kennedy’s case is not unique. It could happen to anyone, so it’s

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​I Was Hit By A Drunk Driver. What Should I Do?

Many of you will remember these stunning words, spoken by drunk driver Matthew Cordle, in his YouTube confession gone viral: “I’m begging you do not drink and drive… It’s too late [for me], but you can still be saved; your victims can still be saved.” Despite receiving more than 200,000 views online, messages like Cordle’s have done little to stop the onslaught of alcohol-related

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​Can Criminal Charges Be Expunged From My Record?

If you have been charged with a crime, such as a DWI/DUI, you may wish to expunge your offense from your record. “Expunging” criminal charges refers to removing them from your record. Expunged criminal charges do not show up on your public police record. What Criminal Charges Are On My Record? Normally, all criminal charges brought against you appear on your police record. This

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​Does The Mobile Breathalyzer Work?

You may have heard about the iPhone’s Breathalyzer. If you have, you probably want to know if it works, and whether it can prevent you from getting a DWI or DUI. Unless the device is used as a preventative for drunk driving; it will not prevent you from getting arrested if you are pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence. Given that

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​Can I Refuse A Field Sobriety Test?

Texas statutes are some of the toughest on record when it comes to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Texas roadways are some of the busiest in the country. What that amounts to is a high number of traffic accidents and fatal collisions. Alcohol or illegal drugs are the suspected root cause for several of these accidents. The only state with more

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