Category: First Party Insurance Claims

​How Long Should It Take An Insurance Company To Pay A Claim?

Waiting for an insurance payout can be frustrating. You most likely have bills to pay and are wondering how long you will have to wait for it to arrive. So how long should you wait before taking legal action, and is there any way to speed up the process? This is everything you need to know about filing an insurance claim for a vehicular

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​What’s The Difference Between Insurance Fraud And Acting In Bad Faith?

Often times “bad faith” and “fraud” are confusing terms when discussing the insurance world. While both acts involve deception and result in financial gain for one party, there are specifics that set each item apart. What Constitutes Insurance Fraud? Insurance fraud is an act committed to intentionally gain a fraudulent outcome from an insurance process. This can be done by a claimant to gain

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​What Should I Do If The Insurance Company Denies My Hail Claim?

Hail storms cause $1 billion in annual damage to crops and property, and this number seems to rise every year. When the sky clears, hundreds of homeowners and business owners with severely damaged property. As a result, they’re forced to deal with the unexpected cost of repair. Hail often causes significant damage to siding, windows, roofs and other exterior elements of a building. In many instances,

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​Steps To Filing A Property Damage Claim

Property damage can come from many sources. Hailstorms, wind storms, fire, or flood. What should you do if it happens to your home or business? It all begins with filing a property damage claim. Making A Property Damage Claim Notify the insurance company as soon as possible. The faster you get the process started, the faster you will get things back to normal. Most insurance

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Do Insurers Have The Right To Deny A Claim?

Insurance companies are not required to pay every claim made. However, they must act in good faith to investigate claims, make timely decisions, and pay legitimate claims with a reasonable settlement. If an insurer fails to do any of these things, it is acting in bad faith. Insurance companies have been known to deny valid claims in hopes the claimant will not pursue the

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​Can First Party Insurance Claimants File A Lawsuit?

Insurance jargon can be confusing for most laymen. Because of this, many people may be unfairly treated by their insurance companies and may not get just claim payouts. While this may be common, it doesn’t mean it is right. We’ve collected some information to help you better understand your rights as a first party insurance claimant, and what recourse you have against an insurance

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​Do I Need An Attorney To Assist With My Hail Damage Claim?

Spring storms, especially in the Texas Panhandle, sometimes bring hail damage. Large hail can break glass, damage roofs, dent siding and kill plants. And it can all happen in a matter of minutes. So what do you do when it is your home, office building, your car or your crops that are damaged and lost due to this severe climatic condition? Step one is

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​An Amarillo, Texas Insurance Coverage Lawyer: The Key To Dispute Resolution

As the title of this article indicates, dispute resolution is the crux of why many legal statutes are drafted. Resolution also has a lot to do with why claimants retain legal counsel. If you’re wondering when it might be time to hire an insurance coverage or policy lawyer, ask yourself this question: are you constantly fighting with your insurance company to settle the claim?

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​Settling With Insurance Companies: What You Need To Know

Insurance settlements are an odd dichotomy. On the one hand, you purchase insurance to protect against a major loss. That could be a loss of: Life Health Property Functionality or livelihood This list contains a few general examples. Other calamities and injuries might also warrant collecting on a claim. On the other hand, insurers can complicate the process of giving the monetary compensation you’ve

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