Category: First Party Insurance Claims

​How Will A Car Accident Affect My Insurance Costs?

Having a car accident is troubling enough, but there’s also the potential hike in your insurance costs to consider. While a post-accident spike in your rate is often unavoidable, knowing how and what to anticipate can help you plan accordingly. Here are a few insider’s details to bear in mind. What Kinds Of Accidents Affect My Insurance Costs? Any accident in which you’re at

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​Tips For Speedy Farm And Crop Insurance Payouts

Insects, drought and hail – three things that can destroy a harvest faster than most farmers ever want to discover. That’s why prudent farmers carry either crop-hail or multiple peril crop insurance. These help protect you should the worst happen. However, even with a policy protecting your fields, there’s no guarantee the insurance company will expedite your payout. For that reason, you should follow

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​What Is A First Party Insurance Claim?

Insurance claims can come from two directions. They can come directly from the person or business who has purchased the policy from the insurance company. Claims can also come from someone whose name is not on the policy. The differences between these two help define what a “first party” insurance claim is. First vs. Third Party Insurance Claims When the person or business who

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What Constitutes ‘Bad Faith’ On Behalf Of An Insurance Company?

​An insurance policy is a contract between two parties: you and the insurance company. Both of you have obligations that are laid out in the insurance policy. While many insurers often act like they can do what they want when it comes to paying claims, insurance companies still have contractual obligations laid out in the policy. When a policyholder (you) files a claim with

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​What To Do If Insurance Denies Your Fire Claim

If your insurance company denies your claim after a wildfire, they may be acting in bad faith. The key to handling this situation is to proceed in a calm and rational manner. Use the following steps as a guide: 1) Carefully Review Your Policy After a fire, your first step should be to review your policy carefully. This step is often neglected. But this

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​What Happens If A Court Rules My Insurer Acted In Bad Faith?

You took your insurance company to court because they refused to pay a legitimate claim. Or maybe they failed to investigate the claim properly. Based on their actions, or inaction, the courts determined that the insurer acted in bad faith. What happens now? Two things happen once the court hands down its judgement: The court awards damages. The insurance company ponders appealing the decision. Damages In

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Hail Season’s In Full Swing

Hail season is already in full swing this year. Hail can form in most thunderstorms, especially those that come with towering vertical clouds known as cumulonimbus. And the Texas Panhandle sees plenty of those kinds of storms during the summer. Most hail, fortunately, comes in small bursts with individual hailstones the size of a pea or smaller, which does little property or crop damage.

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​How To Prepare For Hail Season In West Texas

Hailstorms are a part of life here in the Texas Panhandle. Sweeping thunderstorms often bring ice pellets that range from the size of small granules up to the size of softballs. These ice pellets can do a lot of damage to property. While there is nothing we can do to stop the hail from coming, there are a few things you can do to

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Benjamin Doyle Joins Stockard, Johnston, Brown, Netardus & Doyle, P.C.

Stockard, Johnston, Brown, Netardus & Doyle, P.C., would like to welcome attorney Benjamin Doyle to our legal team. Ben’s practice focuses on Commercial Litigation and First-Party Claims against insurance companies. His practices includes a diversity of trial experience involving contract, casualty, property damage, and personal injury claims. Born in Lubbock, Texas, Ben received his license to practice in Texas in 2012 and has practiced

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