Category: Law

​I Have A Judgment Against Someone, But They Moved To Another State – How Do I Recover The Money?

Sometimes it’s an evasion tactic and sometimes it’s simply circumstances; for whatever reason, it is possible to lose track of a debtor even if you have a Final Judgment in-hand. If they have crossed state lines, you have two means of obtaining the amount you’re owed: Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act; Full Faith and Credit Clause These tools are a two-fold measure of

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​How To Get Compensation For Work Related Injuries

As the title suggests, we will continue our series of articles on personal injury law by looking at work-related injuries. Normally, your employer has workman’s compensation coverage to offset some of the cost and liability of an on-the-job injury. On the surface, this is good news for you too because it ensures that you are fairly compensated for your vocational monetary losses. However, there

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​How To Reach An Amicable Resolution In A Contract Dispute

Contract disputes occur from time to time despite everyone’s efforts to avoid them. Most times, all parties involved in a contract dispute would like to see an amicable resolution. Yet contract disputes are some of the most difficult legal disagreements to settle. The primary barrier to a peaceful settlement is in part due to the fact that many clients don’t realize that there are two

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​How Do I Recover Money That Is Owed To Me?

According to the dictionary, being “indebted” and “in debt” to someone are two very different things. One implies gratitude; the other a financial obligation. Trying to make sure that a debt you are owed gets paid, puts a strain rather than a bolster on a relationship. That new relationship dynamic is part of what we’ll talk about today. What Should I Do If I’m

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​Do I Have A Premises Liability Case?

In theory, premises liability gives reasonable expectation a legal backbone. On the one hand, when someone enters your property, they do so with the reasonable expectation of not getting injured. On the other, it is your legal responsibility to provide a relatively safe environment where that expectation can be met. Failure to fulfill that responsibility can lead to legal action if someone is injured

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​The Texas Prompt Pay Act

The current Texas Prompt Pay Act was enacted in 2003 as a tool to ensure that medical providers offering valuable services would be reimbursed for services provided in a timely manner by insurance companies. What is the Texas Prompt Pay Act and why was it established? The Prompt Pay Act allows for the recovery of statutory monetary penalties from the insurance companies for the

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​Fatal Car Accidents: When Should I Seek Legal Advice?

The area of personal injury law we are about to cover may be difficult for some readers, but it is our hope that examining this subject matter will help prevent more deaths on Texas roads. Just last year, the Texas Department of Transportation implemented digital, flashing signs planted along Texas roads stating the number of vehicular deaths in the state. Nearly 2,000 people died

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