Category: Motorcycle Accidents

​What Are The Most Common Motorcycle Injuries?

Last year, 34 states, including Texas, saw an increase in their accident ratings — but not just any accidents. The rate increased for one accident type in particular: motorcycle. When the Government Highway Safety Association released their findings at the end of 2012, three factors were thought to contribute to the increase: An increase in registered riders A longer riding season Changes to mandatory helmet laws

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​9 Easy Tips To Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

For motorcycle enthusiasts, there’s nothing quite like hitting the open road – especially on warm, sunny days. But motorcycle riding comes with risks. For one, a bike doesn’t provide the protection of larger vehicles, and it isn’t as stable as a car. Fortunately, you can still ride your bike and stay safe. Here are nine ways you can help prevent wrecks. 1. Be Seen

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​How To File Personal Injury Claim After A Motorcycle Accident

If you have a motorcycle, you already know the risks associated with owning and driving this type of vehicle. Injuries from a motorcycle accident can range from life-altering to fatal. It is rare that riders walk away unscathed. Riders are unprotected, save a helmet, and traveling at high speeds. Your degree of exposure does not negate your rights to legal representation or to damage

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​Recovering From A Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents account for 8% of the traffic accidents reported each year. That may sound small, but that percentage translates to nearly 5,000 roadway fatalities annually. A motorcycle is listed among the most dangerous vehicles to drive for two reasons: The lack of protection afforded the rider The high-speed capacity of motorcycles What are the Risks of Owning a Motorcycle? If you own a motorcycle, you know the

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