News & Knowledge

Information to help you be informed for many legal categories.

​How To File A Car Accident Claim

Whether you’ve been involved in a slight fender bender or a more serious collision involving injuries, there will come a time when you must file a car accident claim with your insurance company. Depending on the circumstances, you’ll be entitled to different amounts of compensation for your losses, but the process of determining your legal remedies starts by submitting the proper paperwork. While you

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Why Is Texas Suing The EPA?

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency, the 20th lawsuit he has filed on behalf of the citizens of Texas since 2009. This current lawsuit against the EPA is in response to the newly enacted “Waters of the U.S.” rule, which seeks to more clearly define the types of bodies of water that would fall under the

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​Do I Need To Hire A Texas Parole Lawyer?

If you have a parole hearing coming up, you may want to think about hiring a Texas attorney who has experience helping prisoners with parole hearings. Hiring an attorney for a parole hearing is not mandatory. Many prisoners rely on their own efforts or that of their family members to do the paperwork and presentation at the hearing. However, it may not be as

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​How To Choose A DWI Attorney

Being charged with a DWI in Texas is a difficult situation that brings potentially severe legal consequences, including driver’s license suspension and criminal penalties. Plus, the laws and procedural rules governing these cases are extremely complex, so it’s smart to retain a DWI attorney to represent you. However, choosing the right lawyer to handle your case can be overwhelming if you’ve never hired one.

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​Tips For Speedy Farm And Crop Insurance Payouts

Insects, drought and hail – three things that can destroy a harvest faster than most farmers ever want to discover. That’s why prudent farmers carry either crop-hail or multiple peril crop insurance. These help protect you should the worst happen. However, even with a policy protecting your fields, there’s no guarantee the insurance company will expedite your payout. For that reason, you should follow

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​What Is A First Party Insurance Claim?

Insurance claims can come from two directions. They can come directly from the person or business who has purchased the policy from the insurance company. Claims can also come from someone whose name is not on the policy. The differences between these two help define what a “first party” insurance claim is. First vs. Third Party Insurance Claims When the person or business who

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​4 Ways To Get Out Of Jail

If you ever find yourself in jail or if a family member or friend ends up in jail, there are several legal ways to make it back to the free world. Let’s take a look at four ways to get out of jail. Pay Bail With A Cash Or Check If you have enough money to pay your bail, you can get out of

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​9 Easy Tips To Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

For motorcycle enthusiasts, there’s nothing quite like hitting the open road – especially on warm, sunny days. But motorcycle riding comes with risks. For one, a bike doesn’t provide the protection of larger vehicles, and it isn’t as stable as a car. Fortunately, you can still ride your bike and stay safe. Here are nine ways you can help prevent wrecks. 1. Be Seen

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​Testing The Strength Of Your DUI/DWI Case

Texas has some of the strictest DUI/DWI laws in the country. The only state more stringent is California. Law enforcement officials can arrest you on suspicion of driving under the influence. While this is no surprise to local residents; it can be a shock to visitors passing through.  As you can imagine, a mandate like this leads to a fair number of false arrests.

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We understand your concerns. Don’t let legal problems destroy your future. Allow our qualified attorneys guide you so you can continue to focus on your life. Contact our office to schedule a consultation with a qualified attorney to review your case for free.