News & Knowledge

Information to help you be informed for many legal categories.

​What Does HB 2246 Mean For DWI Offenders In Amarillo?

Motorists with multiple drunk driving convictions in Texas have faced stiff penalties for years, including the requirement of an ignition interlock device that prevents a vehicle from starting if the operator has been drinking. Starting Sept. 1, 2015, first-time offenders may also be subject to this punishment. In June, Governor Greg Abbott signed HB 2246, which is intended to cut down on drunk driving

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How Will Texas Gun Law Change As Of Jan. 1, 2016?

Since passing the Texas State Senate in March of this year, Senate Bill 17 has become law. In preparation for the Jan. 1, 2016, effective date, the state has spent considerable time preparing to implement the new replacement of the current concealed carry and handgun permitting law. Handgun Licensing Program (Formerly Known As Concealed Handgun Licensing) The 84th Regular Legislative Session of Texas has

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​What To Do If Insurance Denies Your Fire Claim

If your insurance company denies your claim after a wildfire, they may be acting in bad faith. The key to handling this situation is to proceed in a calm and rational manner. Use the following steps as a guide: 1) Carefully Review Your Policy After a fire, your first step should be to review your policy carefully. This step is often neglected. But this

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​What Happens If A Court Rules My Insurer Acted In Bad Faith?

You took your insurance company to court because they refused to pay a legitimate claim. Or maybe they failed to investigate the claim properly. Based on their actions, or inaction, the courts determined that the insurer acted in bad faith. What happens now? Two things happen once the court hands down its judgement: The court awards damages. The insurance company ponders appealing the decision. Damages In

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What Should I Do If I’m Arrested For A DWI/DUI In Texas?

Beware the source of “legal advice.” As well-intentioned as they might be; the people in your social circle often have the least accurate information about the evidence against you and your right to a qualified defense attorney. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to separate fact from fiction ahead of time. That way, you know exactly what to do

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5 Safety Tips For Halloween

Halloween is supposed to be a fun and magical time for children. They get to dress up as anything they want, and roam the streets for candy. But there are also inherent dangers associated with the day. Whenever a group of children converge on sidewalks, there is the potential for accidents and mayhem. However, there are ways to mitigate those potential threats to ensure

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​Texas Penalties for First-Time DUI

An individual who is charged with DWI/DUI (driving under the influence) in the state of Texas faces significant penalties. These penalties are serious for first-time offenders as well as those who have had a previous DWI/DUI. The details of the alleged transgression play a part in determining the specific penalty. Penalties range from fines to time spent in jail and beyond. What Is Classified

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Hail Season’s In Full Swing

Hail season is already in full swing this year. Hail can form in most thunderstorms, especially those that come with towering vertical clouds known as cumulonimbus. And the Texas Panhandle sees plenty of those kinds of storms during the summer. Most hail, fortunately, comes in small bursts with individual hailstones the size of a pea or smaller, which does little property or crop damage.

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​How To File Personal Injury Claim After A Motorcycle Accident

If you have a motorcycle, you already know the risks associated with owning and driving this type of vehicle. Injuries from a motorcycle accident can range from life-altering to fatal. It is rare that riders walk away unscathed. Riders are unprotected, save a helmet, and traveling at high speeds. Your degree of exposure does not negate your rights to legal representation or to damage

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​Recovering From A Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents account for 8% of the traffic accidents reported each year. That may sound small, but that percentage translates to nearly 5,000 roadway fatalities annually. A motorcycle is listed among the most dangerous vehicles to drive for two reasons: The lack of protection afforded the rider The high-speed capacity of motorcycles What are the Risks of Owning a Motorcycle? If you own a motorcycle, you know the

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