News & Knowledge

Information to help you be informed for many legal categories.

​What Are The Most Common Motorcycle Injuries?

Last year, 34 states, including Texas, saw an increase in their accident ratings — but not just any accidents. The rate increased for one accident type in particular: motorcycle. When the Government Highway Safety Association released their findings at the end of 2012, three factors were thought to contribute to the increase: An increase in registered riders A longer riding season Changes to mandatory helmet laws

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Social Media Can Be Dangerous In Litigation

The first thing to understand about social media is that even though it is considered a legal gray area that does not mean that evidence pulled from social media sites is inadmissible in court.  In fact, over the last 5 years, posts from these sites have had an increasingly important and acceptable evidentiary role in legal matters.  Social media interaction and surfing the Web

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​Non-Compete Agreements In Texas

Non-compete clauses or agreements in contracts are designed to protect you from losing sensitive information to your competitors. By signing an agreement, an employee promises that they will not work for your competition for a specified period of time. This not only helps you retain your employees, but it also protects information that is at the core of your business. In Texas, non-compete clauses

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​Personal Injury Involving Trucking Accidents

Our series on personal injury law continues with a look at Texas roadways from an alternate perspective. Trucking accidents are defined as accidents involving vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds, making these types of accidents extremely serious. Just like individual drivers must adhere to the state transportation code, trucking companies and their drivers are bound by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR). These regulations

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​An Amarillo, Texas Insurance Coverage Lawyer: The Key To Dispute Resolution

As the title of this article indicates, dispute resolution is the crux of why many legal statutes are drafted. Resolution also has a lot to do with why claimants retain legal counsel. If you’re wondering when it might be time to hire an insurance coverage or policy lawyer, ask yourself this question: are you constantly fighting with your insurance company to settle the claim?

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​What Is Texas’s Law On Dog Bites?

Personal injury cases that involve animals, such as a dog, are very personal, indeed. The fact of the matter is most people don’t know what to do when they are injured because the dog in question is most likely owned by someone they know. This bond adds stress, confusion, grief, and tension to a painful situation. It’s extremely important to know what your rights

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​Toy Product Liability: The Importance Of Taking Preventative Action

When a child is injured, the ripple effect of that injury can be felt by everyone involved. It causes an emotional chain reaction that often ends with the resolve to find those responsible for the injury and hold them accountable, especially when it is a child’s toy. While this instinct is understandable; it can also lead to a misappropriation of guilt and responsibility, especially

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Defective Toys: Who’s To Blame?

Families all around the country are enjoying the spoils of the post-holiday season. For children, that can only mean one thing: gearing up to play with all of their new toys. As wonderful as this time of year is, we’d like to raise a flag of warning to parents with young children. The risk of injury to your child spikes just after the holiday

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​Amarillo Personal Injury Lawyers At Texas Law Firm

Personal injury lawyers have been educated and trained to catch and categorize cases by default. This step is usually complete by the conclusion of the first consultation. What is a normal process of elimination for them may seem rather quick and arbitrary to the average observer. Rest assured, this legal judgment call is neither of those things. A wealth of knowledge and experience goes

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We understand your concerns. Don’t let legal problems destroy your future. Allow our qualified attorneys guide you so you can continue to focus on your life. Contact our office to schedule a consultation with a qualified attorney to review your case for free.